Our Story.

Who we are

United Health Care Workers of Ontario (UHCWO) started as a grassroots movement in a worker’s living room - we were “people collecting people.”

We now represent thousands of frontline health care workers. This includes nurses, physicians, PSW’s, paramedics and other health care providers, as well as administrative, professional and support staff. Our members come from 50 different regions across the province, including urban and rural/remote communities.

What we do



As a collective of passionate health care workers, our mission is to advocate for health privacy, voluntary and informed consent, and non-discriminating medical policies in Ontario and across Canada. 


We envision a Canada that protects the medical privacy and choice of all workers, without government overreach on how we live, work and play.

Our Values

  • Bravery

    We courageously stand up for what is right, honourable, and true.

  • Honesty and Integrity

    We follow the highest ethical standards for decision-making and behaviour.

  • Credible and Evidence-Based

    We earn trust by only using balanced, responsible, and unbiased data and testimonies.

  • Measured and Professional

    We exercise sound judgement and deliberate discretion.

  • Confidentiality and Privacy

    At all times, we will uphold and protect the private information of all those we serve.